[AFS3-std] Extending AFSVolDump

Ken Hornstein kenh@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Tue Jul 18 14:39:27 EDT 2006

>I want to extend AFSVolDump to add a flag indicating that incremental dumps 
>should not include complete copies of directories that have not change. 
>Dumps of this form are already generated by AFSVolForward, for the 
>incremental dumps used to clean up at the end of a move or release.  I want 
>to make it possible to do the same thing when you have a system which dumps 
>a volume with AFSVolDump, processes the dump, and then restores it to some 
>server with AFSVolRestore.

Just curious ... is this because you want to avoid the extra overhead
associated with including directories that don't change?  I would guess
this would only matter for volumes that have a lot of directories.


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