[OpenAFS-devel] Read-only file system
Chris Huebsch
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 21:10:48 +0100 (CET)
Hello Erik,
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007, Erik Osterman wrote:
[everything RO]
> What would cause this unexpected behavior?
Is it possible, that there is a chain of RO-Volumes from /afs/ down to
the user-volumes?
AFS picks RO-Volumes first.
Let me make an example.
consider following volumes:
root.afs, root.cell, homes, user.chu each of them with one RO-Clone
(root.afs.readonly, root.cell.readonly, homes.readonly, user.chu.readonly)
If you now create this mount-chain:
/afs -> root.afs
/afs/cell -> root.cell
/afs/cell/homes -> homes
/afs/cell/homes/c/ -> (just a plain directory)
/afs/cell/homes/c/chu -> user.chu
then AFS can select for each mountpoint an RO-Clone. And it will do so.
You can break this behaviour by explicitely mounting a volume as a
RW-Mountpoint (specifying -rw to the fs mkmount).
I suggest the volume most down the path (eg. user.chu in my example).
It's best practice to mount root.cell at /afs/.cell (mention the
extra-point) as RW to generate alway rw-paths starting witch
Oh. And if you do not have any rw-volume available for any mount, remove
all ro's for any volume of your choice and mount root.afs into that
volume temporarily.
Or use dynroot, afaik it generates the /afs/.cell-mountpoint too.
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