[OpenAFS-devel] GSOC 2010: Userspace NFS->AFS translator
Derek Atkins
Fri, 09 Apr 2010 13:20:22 -0400
Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz@cmu.edu> writes:
> Actually, a translator which provided only unauthenticated access to
> AFS would likely be quite useful, and I suspect that alone will be a
> fairly substantial piece of work. Dealing with user credentials will
> be a fairly late part of the project, if it fits into the GSoC
> timeline at all.
Why would it be complicated? There already exist user-space NFS Daemons
out there. So why would it be a "fairly substancial piece of work"?
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available