[OpenAFS-devel] Patch for XML switch for vos examine

John Hascall john@iastate.edu
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:09:15 CDT

jaltman@secure-endpoints.com writes:
> I would wrap this blob with
> <cell name="cellname">
> > <volume name="root.cell">
> >         <id>536870915</id>

IMO, this isn't really about a cell, so I would do the opposite:
   <volume name="..." id="..." cell="...">

> why <serv> and not <server>?
> I would use <ipv4>
> include the <uuid>UUID</uuid> for each server
     I agree.

> >         <backupDate>0        </backupDate>
     Kill the white space here.
