[OpenAFS] OpenAFS on Linux

Derrick J Brashear shadow@dementia.org
Sun, 01 Apr 2001 13:44:14 -0400

--On Sunday, April 01, 2001 03:46:35 PM +0200 David Hajek <hajek@idoox.com> 

> Hello OpenAFS Gurus,
> I would like to replace NFS+NIS with OpenAFS. My question is
> whether the OpenAFS on Linux(server,clients) and Windows(clients)
> is ready for production usage. We would like to use OpenAFS on
> Redhat Linux, Debian Linux and Windows 2k. Server will be on
> Redhat Linux. How stable is OpenAFS? Do you recommed to use
> it in production environment or is it just for devel hackers
> now?

I think at this point 1.0.4 when released should be a reasonable base. I 
would, however, recommend that you start from what's in CVS now, or wait 
for 1.0.4
