[OpenAFS] AFS-Client behind masquerading firewall
Derek Atkins
04 Jan 2001 21:49:59 -0500
Mitch Collinsworth <mitch@ccmr.cornell.edu> writes:
> I agree that NAT is not the greatest thing to come down the road, but
> it's already here. The battle to prevent it was lost a long time ago.
> It's going to be with us for a while and there are lots of people for
> whom it's going to be a fact of life. Some of them are even going to
> turn out to be important to your or my or someone else's livelihood
> here and it would be better for most of us if we figured out a way to
> make it work. I'd like to see us take this sort of thing as a
> challenge to improve the software rather than write off the whole idea.
The problem is that OpenAFS _must_ remain wire-compatible with
Transarc/IBM AFS. This implies that we can't just go change the wire
protocol or how it behaves.
> Ok, the client can't know when the NAT-box changes IP. But certainly
> the server can notice a new IP is talking to it. And if we add a
> method for client authentication that's not based on IP then surely we
> can weather the NAT-box IP change without losing our marbles. What
> would it take to implement something like this? Didn't Transarc
> recently add support for multi-homed clients? Isn't there something
> from that work that can be leveraged here?
Yes, the server can notice a new IP.. But do the NAT mappings still
work? Does the server respond to the same port numbers?
> -Mitch
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available