[OpenAFS] 1.1.0 client on RH 7.1
Bernd Markgraf
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 17:37:16 +0200 (MET DST)
> "weird O/S". Like Solaris?
> 11:27am:shadow@larimer:shadow:7> truss -o /usr/tmp/foo1 -p 1710 &
> 11:27am:shadow@larimer:shadow:8> cp /bin/truss /usr/tmp
> 11:27am:shadow@larimer:shadow:9> cp /usr/tmp/truss /bin
> cp: overwrite /bin/truss (yes/no)? y
> 11:28am:shadow@larimer:shadow:10> uname -a
> SunOS larimer.andrew.cmu.edu 5.8 Generic_108528-08 sun4u sparc
> SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
doesn't matter that much. after a program started and got loaded into
memory completely solaris releases the lock on that file. next time you
start it after copying something over it it runs the new version while the
old might still be running.
> You're right, though, I forgot Linux actually precludes that, but the
> machine on my desk is Solaris, and more than once I've not been awake
> enough to realize it was my own foot the gun was pointed at.
under linux it usually works the same way.
one exception are programs that try to load something from the same file
while running. those get a rough end if the file changed meanwhile.
bad times when this happens to essential system processes ;-)
Unix: Your gun, your bullett, your foot, your choice.
Windows: Same as Unix, but no choice and we aim higher.