[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS-info digest, Vol 1 #359 - 6 msgs
Matthew Cocker
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 11:31:27 +1300
> Currently Global drives is a broken option.
Well that answers that question.
> Description of "Disconnect Network Drive"
The "Disconnected Network Drive" that is made by Global drives option does
not show up in net use list so you can not delete the drive (an since I
tried to make it and delete without logging out the remembered drives
reference is revelant. The AFS service is running (I have user shares mapped
and working correctly at the time the global drives won't load).
> When a user logs off a Windows machine, the OS will 'remember' all drives
> that were mapped. When the same users logs back on to windows, the system
> will connect all these 'remebered' drive mappings.
Unfortunately it remembers the computer name as well. We have 3000 users
sharing ~300 PC, they do not always log on to the same machine. If I set the
afs client to remember the mappings when the users logged of one machine
(called say pc1) it saved a share \\pc1-afs\afs. Then that user logged in to
a different computer (say pc2) their roaming profile followed them and the
share would fail to load because it was pointing to \\pc1-afs\afs not
\\pc2-afs\afs. Using GPO log in scripts and log out scripts I was able to do
mount the afs shares that the user wanted without problem i.e "net use H:
\\%computername%-afs\afs" and "net use g:
\\%computername%-afs\users\%username:~0,1%\%username:~1,1%\%username%". Even
the persistent:no option seemed to cause problems so I removed the mapping
at user log out.
> Since the drive is mapped each time the user logs on to Windows, I'm not
> sure what other features you are looking for by using Global Drive maps?
> Are you using multi-user (server configuration)?
I wanted a global mapping so that I could create permanent drive mappings in
windows (as is available to linux via /afs) for read only use from afs space
via vbs, winscript, rconsole scripts without having to map a drive to afs
space in the scripts. It isn't really that hard to do this but if I did not
have to then that would simplify things. The second reason I tried to make a
global mapping was because I have not been able to load a users profile from
AFS space yet. I have tried setting the users profile path to
G:\.winprofile\ (G mapped via a login script as above) in AD but during
login windows tells me that it can't load the profile (maybe lack of token
or maybe drive wasn't mapped in time). The users home directory acl's
require user or admin token for read access. I was going to use the global
drive to see whether it was an authentication/authorization issue or a
access problem.
I would happy forget about global drives if I could get the profiles to load
from afs space.
BTW does anyone know how to set a users profile path in a login script? I
have been setting it per user but want to move to a location based login
script. Since it's off topic slightly maybe relies to this question should
beoff list.