[OpenAFS] passwd synchro

Sam Hartman hartmans@mekinok.com
09 Oct 2001 10:38:06 -0400

>>>>> "David" == David Hajek <hajek@idoox.com> writes:

    David> Hi, first, sorry for sending the previus mail twice, my
    David> fault.  I would like not to synchro the passwords field,
    David> but only the information about users. I think that OpenAFS
    David> needs this to know, where users has their home directories?
    David> Right?  If this is not needed, than where can I read more
    David> info about setup? If its needed, I think NIS can help, or
    David> other solutions?

AFS does not need to know where homedirs are at all.  Many AFS-using
environments find it useful to have LDAP or Hesiod or rdisted
passwords or (unfortunately) NIS so that all the workstations have
home directory info.  However this is not required by AFS.