[OpenAFS] Trouble Installing OpenAFS 1.2.1 Under RH 2.4.3-12

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
15 Oct 2001 13:45:29 -0400

"Computers in Medicine" <pittmed@mail.com> writes:

> > Well, the shutdown problem was not fixed in 1.2.1, so upgrading wont help.
> Does this mean it's a known bug?  What's the manifestation of it and is
> there a way to avoid it?  Is there a known bug list somewhere?

Yes, this is a known bug.  The manifestation is what you've seen, the
inability to cleanly shutdown or unmount, requiring a reboot to
recover.  The only way to avoid it is to not start the AFS client (in
other words, no, there is no way to avoid the bug).  I don't know if
1.2.2 specifically fixes this bug or not -- it certainly fixed one
particular problem with resource hogging.

Check out www.openafs.org for a bug-list.  OpenAFS uses RT for bug
tracking, so you should be able to see the open bugs list.

> Actually I was able to reinstall openafs-1.2.1 from RPMs using --force, then
> uninstall them, and then reinstall them using -i and now it works.


> Sorry but I'm too much of a newbie to know what to make of this.  How does
> the value of $1 in this script get set?  Although it's working now I'd be
> interested in knowing so I have a better idea where to look myself if it
> happens again.

$1 is set by RPM.  It is supposed to be the number of copies of
packages that do/will exist before/after the process (the exact point
in time is dependent on the script, and I don't remember all the logic
of the top of my head).

> > You might want to wait for the next release of OpenAFS (1.2.2).
> >
> Any idea when this may be, and what will be changed?  We'd like to get this
> server into production fairly soon, but we'd like it to be stable, so if
> 1.2.2 is going to fix any serious bugs we might wait.

Soon.  The packages have already been made :)

> Thanks!


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available