[OpenAFS] fs mkmount

Daniel Swärd excds@kth.se
22 Aug 2002 13:41:45 +0200

Disregard my previous message, I was just being plain stupid...

Now I've got another problem instead. :)

When trying to create a mountpoint from one of the clients I two
different error messages. When I'm in /afs/syd.kth.se/ I get:

 "fs: You can not change a backup or readonly volume"

and when I'm in /afs/.syd.kth.se/ I get:

"fs: You don't have the required access rights on 'blabla'"

Is there something I've missed? When I create mountpoints on the server
everything just works fine. On the server I've been creating mountpoints
from the directory /afs/syd.kth.se/<whateverdirectory>.

Is there some great afs-secret that I've missed?


PS Yes, I'm added in susers and all that. DS