[OpenAFS] Status of global drives in windows version
Rodney M Dyer
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 19:15:25 -0500
At 12:46 PM 12/11/2002 -0500, Steve Ostrove wrote:
>Does anyone know the status regarding global drives with the Windows
>version of openafs? Last time I tested things, Transarc's afs client
>supports global drives, but, while openafs has the appropriate settings,
>the global drive functionality seems to be broken (my testing was with
>1.2.2b openafs)
>Thanks in advance.
>Steve Ostrove
Global drives are nothing special or complicated. The Transarc and OpenAFS
gui interfaces for global drives are just fancy facades for what the afsd
service does internally, ie, it mounts your drive as user SYSTEM. You can
create your own global drives by creating a command shell script that will
mount afs as user SYSTEM. This, in my view, is the more proper method.
There are reasons for wanting to perform your own global drive mounting and
unmounting. Most notably...you are in control. Also, afs is unstable on
the Windows platform. For this reason, our group has setup watchdog checks
that make sure the afs service is running, makes sure the global drive is
mounted, etc. Another reason is that, even if the drive is mounted, afsd
may not yet be available because it takes a bit to load it's starting
cache. This was more of a problem on slower machines, but still may be an
issue on slower networks. And, in the event of a network failure, you can
handle things gracefully as opposed to the afs service just bailing.
In any case what we did at our site was just ignore the global drives gui
setup. You can use group policy to setup a system startup script that runs
as user SYSTEM. You would probably want to do this anyway. Many Windows
admins need to perform some operations right after the machines reboot, but
before the user's logon. When your client starts up from a reboot, the
system script will mount the global afs drive as system. Here are a few
lines from our startup script...
:: try to link n: drive to AFS
:: (if failure then retry every 3 seconds for 100 times)
for /l %%i in (1,1,100) do (
net use n: \\%COMPUTERNAME%-afs\all >> nul 2>>&1
if exist "n:\" goto ok
sleep 3
:: total failure...mail administration about problem
goto end
:: n: drive mounted at this point, ok to do other stuff
The nice thing about global drives mounted as SYSTEM is that ordinary users
can't unmount them.
I have just one issue with afs mounted drives that I can't figure out. Why
does the AFS client label them as "Disconnected Network Drive" under the
explorer interface? That bugs me and my users. I think it is a hold-over
from the migration of code from NT4.0 to Win2000. In fact, Transarc never
officially supported Windows XP. I don't remember the "Disconnected
Network Drive" problem under NT4.0.
Getting a command shell prompt as user SYSTEM isn't hard. If you are
logged on the client as administrator all you need to do is schedule a task
to run the "c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe" process. We do it like...
...go to a command prompt and type...
at xx:xx /interactive cmd.exe
Where xx:xx is some future time, say one minute ahead of the current
time. You may have to wait a few seconds for it to show up, but it
works. We created a service that runs as SYSTEM that allows us to pipe
commands to for execution so we can call up a SYSTEM shell anytime we want.
Obviously, you can do things the way you want, but the more you know about
your software and the way it works the better. Modularity is GOOD!
Rodney M. Dyer
x86 Systems Programmer
College of Engineering Computing Services
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Email rmdyer@uncc.edu
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