[OpenAFS] AFS configuration errors?

John Green green@blueheronbio.com
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 16:16:28 -0800

I'm replying to my own post, because I might have found out what the problem
is, and it might be obscure enough to save someone a headache.  Apparently
configuring the /vicepa partition at install time doesn't work with RedHat.
I tried leaving some open space on a drive, creating and formatting a
(primary) partition as /vicepa, and it's working fine.  The /afs directory
was created by the rpm's.  Client and server are operational.

Anyway, it was news to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Green [mailto:green@blueheronbio.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 9:51 AM
To: Openafs-Info (E-mail)
Subject: [OpenAFS] AFS configuration errors?

I have tried getting openafs working for a few days now, and keep getting
this error:
FSYNC_clientInit temporary failure (will retry): Connection refused
I am using RH 7.2, 2.4.7-10 Enterprise kernel,

The only explanation I have seen is that the volserver is attempting to
start before the fileserver.  I have a feeling that this error is a symptom
of my real problem.  I plan on using KerberosV for authentication, but have
also tried using the kaserver (Quick Beginnings procedure in the Openafs
docs).  The same error appears every time.

Also, when I try to mount the /vicepa partition (which I created during the
RH install like a normal partition, and edited the /etc/fstab file
afterwards) using this command:
vos create afs1 /vicepa root.afs -localauth
I receive this error:
Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server
Possible communication failure
Possible communication failure

I used the redhat authconfig to update the /etc/pam.d files, which I've
heard should work okay.  I used the kadmin.local -e des-cbc-crc:v4 command
to create the afs principal and keytab in kerberos.  I modified the
/etc/sysconfig/afs to start the server, but not the client.  I have tried
using the standard RH /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs file to start the bosserver, and
have tried doing it manually, with the same results.

I have pasted the BosLog, FileLog, PtLog, SalvageLog, and VLLog output
below.  If anyone can give me an idea of what I'm doing wrong, or how to
proceed, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks  --  John

Wed Dec 18 09:45:09 2002: Server directory access is okay
Wed Dec 18 09:45:09 2002: fs:salv exited with code 0

Wed Dec 18 09:45:09 2002 File server starting
Wed Dec 18 09:45:19 2002 afs_krb_get_lrealm failed, using test.com.
Wed Dec 18 09:45:19 2002 /usr/afs/local/sysid: doesn't exist
Wed Dec 18 09:45:19 2002 Creating new SysID file
Wed Dec 18 09:45:19 2002 VL_RegisterAddrs rpc failed; will retry
periodically (code=5376, err=4)
Wed Dec 18 09:45:19 2002 Couldn't get CPS for AnyUser, will try again in 30
seconds; code=267275.

ptserver: Unknown code pt 11 (267275) Can't rebuild database because not
running NoAuth
^M.0.0.241 Wed Dec 18 09:45:09 2002

@(#) OpenAFS 1.2.7 built  2002-12-17
12/18/2002 09:45:09 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/afs/bin/salvager)
12/18/2002 09:45:09 Starting salvage of file system partition /vicepa
12/18/2002 09:45:09 SALVAGING FILE SYSTEM PARTITION /vicepa (device=vicepa)
12/18/2002 09:45:09 ***Forced salvage of all volumes on this partition***
12/18/2002 09:45:09 No vice inodes on vicepa; not salvaged
Temporary file /vicepa/salvage.inodes.vicepa.1016 is missing...

Wed Dec 18 09:45:09 2002 ubik: A Remote Server has addresses: Wed Dec 18
09:45:09 2002 Wed Dec 18 09:45:09 2002
Wed Dec 18 09:45:09 2002 Starting AFS vlserver 4 (/usr/afs/bin/vlserver)

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