[OpenAFS] Small suggestion for RH spec file?

Garance A Drosihn drosih@rpi.edu
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 18:58:48 -0500

At 3:04 PM -0500 12/28/02, Chaskiel M Grundman wrote:
>Assuming Derek is talking about the scripts I sent him (or
>something based on them), then anything in the local file
>will override the global file.  It's not simple concatenation.

This sounds like a very useful idea.  Presumably the same tactic
could work just as well on other platforms (MacOS 10, ...).

>AFAIK, The only things those scripts don't do are
>1) exclude cells that are in the .global file (...)

I will be interested to see the scripts.  For my purposes, it would
be useful if CellServDB.local supported a way to say "only include
the cells specifically listed", coupled with a way to say "here is
a cell name, copy the appropriate servers from the global file".

In my case, I want to skip most of the cells in the official list,
but for the cells I am not skipping then I do want my list of
servers to be updated correctly.  So, something like:

>rpi.edu		# my home cell			# to override values in global
>grand.central.org	# a cell I do want
=global				# so just copy values from global
>openafs.org		# another cell I do want
=global				# so just copy values from global

And also have a marker of "=skip", for people who want to copy
the info for most cells, but have a short list of cells that
they need to skip (perhaps for firewall reasons, or something).

>2) "freeze" the configuration of a cell. (e.g. if the the .global
>    file's entry for a cell is "correct" now, but you want the
>    configuration of that cell to stay the same no matter what
>    the .global file says in the future)

If a person wants this, they can take the trouble to copy and
paste those lines from the global to the local file.   (IMO)

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad@gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad@freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih@rpi.edu