[OpenAFS] Small suggestion for RH spec file?

David Thompson thomas@cs.wisc.edu
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:34:26 -0600

Nathan Neulinger wrote:
>Seems like having a separate RPM for cellservdb would be easiest. 
>Then you can have TWO rpms for the 2 cases that cover 99% of the users:
>1. Local only - this RPM would have no CellServDB.global
>2. Full participant - this RPM would have a full CellServDB.global

An alternative I haven't seen anyone present is to break off the CellServDB 
into its own RPM.  This avoids duplication of all the other binaries, etc., 
and would allow people to choose Derek's style of CellServDB maintainance or 
roll their own (from an alternative RPM, cfengine, or whatever (dare I say 
'package'...) without lighting up alarms with rpm -V.

Dave Thompson  <thomas@cs.wisc.edu>

Associate Researcher                    Department of Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison         http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~thomas
1210 West Dayton Street                 Phone:    (608)-262-1017
Madison, WI 53706-1685                  Fax:      (608)-262-6626