[OpenAFS] no quorum elected

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
05 Jun 2002 09:30:13 -0400

How did you copy your KeyFile?


Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@bayour.com> writes:

> I'm setting up a test AFS system at home, but I can't seem
> to get it working. I'm running Debian GNU/Linux on my Sun Sparc
> Station 4, with the recompiled openafs packages (the i386
> versions of these packages is working fine on my live server).
> After running 'afs-newcell', which does the following (cut and past):
> ----- s n i p -----
> /etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver stop
> echo \>bayour.com >/etc/openafs/server/CellServDB
> /etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver start
> bos addhost tuzjfi tuzjfi -localauth ||true
> bos adduser tuzjfi turbo -localauth
> bos create tuzjfi ptserver simple /usr/lib/openafs/ptserver -localauth
> bos create tuzjfi vlserver simple /usr/lib/openafs/vlserver -localauth
> bos create tuzjfi fs fs -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/volserver \
>  -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/salvager -localauth
> vos create tuzjfi a root.afs -localauth
> echo bayour.com >/etc/openafs/ThisCell
> /etc/init.d/openafs-client force-start
> ----- s n i p -----
> After this I 'kinit turbo && aklog' which goes ok.
> Here i do 'ls /afs' but nothing's there! Anyway, I run 'afs-rootvol',
> which does the following:
> ----- s n i p -----
> fs sa /afs system:anyuser rl
> vos create tuzjfi a root.cell -localauth
> Volume 536870915 created on partition /vicepa of tuzjfi
> fs mkm /afs/bayour.com root.cell -cell bayour.com  -fast
> fs: File '/afs/bayour.com' doesn't exist
> Failed: 256
> vos remove tuzjfi a root.cell -localauth
> Volume 536870915 on partition /vicepa server tuzjfi.bayour.com deleted
> ----- s n i p -----
> I have both ticket and token:
> ----- s n i p -----
> tuzjfi:~# klist
> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0.2
> Default principal: turbo@BAYOUR.COM
> Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
> 06/05/02 08:55:25  06/05/02 18:55:21  krbtgt/BAYOUR.COM@BAYOUR.COM
> 06/05/02 08:55:30  06/05/02 18:55:21  afs@BAYOUR.COM
> Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
> klist: You have no tickets cached
> tuzjfi:~# tokens
> Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
> User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for afs@bayour.com [Expires Jun  5 18:55]
>    --End of list--
> ----- s n i p -----
> Remember (from another thread) that the KDC is living on rmgztk, and
> is a exact duplicate of the live server (papadoc). So keytabs, principals
> etc come from there...
> Tuzjfi is multihomed, does that have anything to do with it? And if yes,
> how do I fix it? The machine(s) have to be multihomed, because I'm intending
> to run 'heartbeat' to have some services up and running (informational only)
> at all time...
> [Purging AFS and reinstalling without multi-homed don't make any changes]
> -- 
> Nazi ammonium Albanian smuggle North Korea pits tritium Uzi Ortega
> radar $400 million in gold bullion Rule Psix explosion killed Noriega
> [See http://www.aclu.org/echelonwatch/index.html for more about this]
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available