[OpenAFS] touch: creating `/afs/x': No such file or directory

Turbo Fredriksson turbo@bayour.com
13 Jun 2002 07:59:30 +0200

>>>>> "Charles" == Charles Clancy <security@xauth.net> writes:

    >> tuzjfi:~# ls /afs tuzjfi:~# touch /afs/x touch: creating
    >> `/afs/x': No such file or directory ...  With a fools
    >> persistency I'm continuing to try to get OpenAFS to work on my
    >> Sparc at home...

    Charles> It seems like your client is broken.

In what way? I'm using the source from Debian GNU/Linux (which seems
unchanged from 'upstream'). Also the client and the server comes from
the same sources.

    Charles> The server looks okay.  I'd suggest seeing if you can get
    Charles> a second machine  connected to it as a  client, perhaps a
    Charles> machine with a different architecture.

Oki, I have a 486 here that's currently using Papadoc as 'main' server.
I'll see if I can redirect it to use tuzjfi instead. I'll let you know...

    Charles> Normally, I'd suggest "rm -rf"-ing /usr/vice,
    Charles> reinstalling the client from scratch, and recompiling the
    Charles> kernel module yourself.

This have been done. I'm running woody (Debian GNU/Linux 3.0) and the
OpenAFS v1.2.5 don't exist there so I pulled down the source and
compiled everything myself. Also the kernel AND the OpenAFS module have
been compiled by me.

Is there any know issues with the compiler? I've seen that some sources
that I've compiled myself from the Debian GNU/Linux sources required
Gcc 3.0 (can't remember which package though).

    Charles> Did you compile from the Debian source package?

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