[OpenAFS] Re: Re: Re: quota monitoring

Heiko Schulz hrs@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 23:27:18 +0200 (CEST)

> >   vosexa=`$VOS exa $vol -loc`
> An optimization is, rather than getting a list of volumes with listvldb
> and then calling vos examine on each one, to instead use vos listvol with
> the -long option.  It spits out the same format of information as vos
> examine but does the whole server or partition at the same time.
> You do have to do more complex parsing then, though, and I'd probably drop
> to Perl at that point.
> We take that a step further and call vos listvol -long on all of our
> servers every night and then load all that data into a database and do
> various SQL-based reporting off of it.

thanks for the hints, I planned similar things with SQL. Of course, then
one should use perl.


Dr. Heiko Schulz
Fachbereich Mathematik
Pfaffenwaldring 57
Raum 8.313
Universität Stuttgart

Tel.   : (0711) 685 5344
Fax    : (0711) 685 5348
E-Mail : schulz@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de