[OpenAFS] Re: Z:\ is not in the global hierarchy
Joe Buehler
Fri, 05 Dec 2003 10:43:42 -0500
Jason C. Wells wrote:
> I have a simple scenario where files can be read via multiple platforms.
> This is problematic for a file where an external file is LINKed to a path
> of Z:/stradamotorsports.com rather than /afs/stradamotorsports.com. A
> windows client will read the linked file fine. A unix client will not
> find the linked file.
I'm not totally clear on what you're doing, but if you mean a symlink
within AFS space pointing at AFS space, you could just use a relative
symlink instead of an absolute one. Then the name of the top directory
doesn't matter.
Joe Buehler