[OpenAFS] bos shutdown: fileserver failed to shutdown within 1800 seconds

Theo theoml@arum.et.tudelft.nl
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:58:05 +0100

Hi People

I'm using:
      RedHat 9
on a AFS server ( database + file)  with 2 * 200GB disks.

The machine only runs for a few hours and then stops responding.
If i then  use the bos restart ....  command i find the <subject> error
in the logs.

On each disk i have configured only one big ext3 vicep partition, can
this be wrong??

> df -T
/dev/hda4     ext3   181594892  38804744 133565628  23% /vicepa
/dev/hdc1     ext3   192292124  38962760 143561444  22% /vicepb

Is it possible that a restart really does take more than 1800 seconds?
The led and the sounds during a restart all look/sound very healthy,
what you would expect from a busy process.

Any other reason why my server is so unstable? I have 4 other AFS
servers in the same
cell with very little problems.

Any and all help is welcome,