[OpenAFS] Unable to authenticate from remote PC

Francisco Yumiceva yumiceva@sc.edu
13 Jan 2003 14:36:12 -0500


I get this message when I try to get a token from outside my university:

> klog
Unable to authenticate to AFS because Authentication Server was

Is this a problem with the university firewall? Which ports need to be
opened? How can I check if they are blocked?

I'm running openafs-1.2.8 and this is the status of my server:

# bos status cpeven
Instance kaserver, currently running normally.
Instance buserver, currently running normally.
Instance ptserver, currently running normally.
Instance vlserver, currently running normally.
Instance fs, currently running normally.
    Auxiliary status is: file server running.
Instance upserver, disabled, currently shutdown.
Instance backupusers, currently running normally.
    Auxiliary status is: run next at Tue Jan 14 03:30:00 2003.

Thanks very much,

Francisco Yumiceva
High Energy Group - Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
University of South Carolina
phone: 803.7771438    
