[OpenAFS] File access problem

Dietrich Schroff dietrich.schroff@physik.uni-freiburg.de
11 Nov 2003 13:43:19 +0100


in some volumes i have a problem with accessing files/directories:
# ls
/bin/ls: dict.leo.org_:4ac84e69: No such file or directory

the shell expansion works fine for this file, but i cannot access it. 
The command
# fs examine xx
Volume status for vid = 536870924 named xxxxxxxx
Current disk quota is 500000
Current blocks used are 418121
The partition has 166886504 blocks available out of 199135624

works with the parent directory, but with the file :
# fs examine dict.leo.org_\:4ac84e69 
fs: File 'dict.leo.org_:4ac84e69' doesn't exist

Is there a way to restore such files? Or delete them? (Deleting it is
not possible, because it does not exist ;-)).
I think this is not a client problem, because it happens on all clients
and clearing the cache does not help...


                            (o o)
            Dietrich Schroff
          Institut fuer Physik
         Universitaet  Freiburg

Tel.:  +49 761 2035751
Tel.:  +49 761 7697089 (priv)
WWW:   www.uni-mainz.de/~dschroff
Mail:  dietrich.schroff@physik.uni-freiburg.de
GPG:   wwwhep.physik.uni-freiburg.de/~schroff/gpg_schroff.pubkey
ICQ:   286362762