[OpenAFS] Problems setting up a new cell

Rogelio Bazán Reyes rogbazan@bsantander.com.mx
Tue, 07 Oct 2003 23:17:31 -0500

i have the next error, after i installed a new cell with AFS 3.6 3.48.

{afsdb1_s8:/}% cd afs
bash: cd: afs: Permission denied
{afsdb1_s8:/}% klog admin
{afsdb1_s8:/}% tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 10) tokens for afs@invermexico.com.mx [Expires Oct  9 00:11]
   --End of list--
{afsdb1_s8:/}% cd afs
afs: Tokens for user of AFS id 10 for cell invermexico.com.mx are 
discarded (rxkad error=19270407)
bash: cd: afs: Permission denied
{afsdb1_s8:/}% pts exa admin
pts: security object was passed a bad ticket so couldn't look up names

It looks like the problem were the pts server or kas server, isn´t it? 
If i try using noauth param when the bosserver starts, the error does 
not appear?
Could you help me with this problem?

Rogelio Bazán Reyes
Grupo Financiero Santander Serfín
Soporte Técnico
Tlalpan 3016. Col Espartaco
C.P. 04870
D.F., México 
Tel. +52 +55 51741100 ext.19321 
+52 +55 51741953