[OpenAFS] Mac OS X, AFS, and integrate

Sergio Gelato Sergio.Gelato@astro.su.se
Mon, 30 Aug 2004 19:24:40 +0200

* pll+afs@permabit.com [2004-08-30 10:33:49 -0400]:
>    http://www-personal.umich.edu/~arosenbl/AFS102.html
> Am I doing something wrong, or are there more up-to-date docs for
> Mac OS X and AFS?  Any pointers gratefully accepted :)

Indeed I think you've picked the wrong solution from the available
choices. We're using aklog.loginLogout, and I've also tried 
afslog.loginLogout. (I'm planning to hack the latter to better
suit our needs, in particular to make it work with Kerberos principals
that don't match the local username.)

I don't have download URLs handy, but a bit of Googling should turn up
both packages; you can download them in both source and binary form from
a number of places.

To use, install under /Library/Kerberos\ Plug-Ins/aklog.loginLogout 
and add a line
[libdefaults]login_logout_notification = "aklog"
to /Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos . 

s/aklog/afslog/ according to taste. 

Works with Mac OS 10.2 and 10.3; hopefully also with 10.4.