[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS for RedHat Linux Enterprise

Troy Dawson dawson@fnal.gov
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 14:12:10 -0600

> From: Andrew Bacchi <bacchi@rpi.edu>
>I build OpenAFS 1.2.10 for RHEL 2.1 using the release for RH 7.3 SRPMS. It is not difficult to do, but it needs to be done for almost every RH kernel release. Get the SRPMs, install them with rpm -i, and edit the spec file for your needs. Issue rpmbuild -ba specfile, and away it goes. On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 10:26, Roberto.Gomezel@ts.infn.it wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>        please someone could you tell me if there is a plan about the chance of 
>>> having an openafs release for RedHat Linux Enterprise in the future?
>>> Thank you in advance
>>>  Bye
>>>    Roberto Gomezel
>>>     INFN - Italy

When rebuilding for RedHat Enterprise 3.0 you need to start with the Fedora 
Core 1 SRPM's.  Starting with those it is quite straight forward.

My rpm's are built for a RHEL 3.0 dirivitive (we recompiled our own 
distribution from RH's SRPMS), but they should work on RHEL 3.0. These are 
basically the openafs rpm's from fedora core 1, recompiled, with a few minor 
modifications, such as binding to the fnal.gov domain.  But if you want to try 
them you can.  They are at ftp://linux.fnal.gov/linux/contrib/openafs/RHEL30/

Troy Dawson  dawson@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group