[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS for RedHat Linux Enterprise

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 16:03:54 -0500


What problem(s) did you have compiling the fd1 SRPM on RHEL3?
It should mostly work.. You may need to limit the architectures
supported, but ISTR that I already did that for fc1.


"David Chait" <davidc@bonair.Stanford.EDU> writes:

> Troy,
>     Could you possibly document the changes you make in the spec file for
> us? I have been having similar issues with RHEL 3.
> Thanks,
> David
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Troy Dawson" <dawson@fnal.gov>
> To: <openafs-info@openafs.org>
> Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 12:12 PM
> Subject: [OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS for RedHat Linux Enterprise
>> > From: Andrew Bacchi <bacchi@rpi.edu>
>> >I build OpenAFS 1.2.10 for RHEL 2.1 using the release for RH 7.3 SRPMS.
> It is not difficult to do, but it needs to be done for almost every RH
> kernel release. Get the SRPMs, install them with rpm -i, and edit the spec
> file for your needs. Issue rpmbuild -ba specfile, and away it goes. On Thu,
> 2004-01-08 at 10:26, Roberto.Gomezel@ts.infn.it wrote:
>> >
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi all,
>> >>>        please someone could you tell me if there is a plan about the
> chance of
>> >>> having an openafs release for RedHat Linux Enterprise in the future?
>> >>> Thank you in advance
>> >>>  Bye
>> >>>    Roberto Gomezel
>> >>>     INFN - Italy
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> When rebuilding for RedHat Enterprise 3.0 you need to start with the
> Fedora
>> Core 1 SRPM's.  Starting with those it is quite straight forward.
>> My rpm's are built for a RHEL 3.0 dirivitive (we recompiled our own
>> distribution from RH's SRPMS), but they should work on RHEL 3.0. These are
>> basically the openafs rpm's from fedora core 1, recompiled, with a few
> minor
>> modifications, such as binding to the fnal.gov domain.  But if you want to
> try
>> them you can.  They are at
> ftp://linux.fnal.gov/linux/contrib/openafs/RHEL30/
>> Troy
>> -- 
>> __________________________________________________
>> Troy Dawson  dawson@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
>> Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available