[OpenAFS] AFS and WebDAV

Noel Burton-Krahn noel@bkbox.com
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 10:33:31 -0800

Hi John,

I've put together a package that integrates OpenAFS, Apache, mod_perl, and
mod_dav.  This lets Apache acquire OpenAFS tokens so it can browse /afs, run
scripts, and do DAV with a user's AFS tokens.


This module is on its way to CPAN, and I'd appreciate your comments before
it goes public.

Many thanks to all the OpenAFS devleopers, and I'm glad to add my small
contribution to this project.

Noel Burton-Krahn

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Rudd" <jrudd@ucsc.edu>
To: <openafs-info@openafs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:42 AM
Subject: [OpenAFS] AFS and WebDAV

> Has anyone set up a WebDAV server on top of AFS?  Especially if you're
> then using that for a file sharing mechanism (like windows "web
> folders", MacOS X "Connect" in Finder, etc.).  Do you have any thoughts
> about how to make it work in a way that preserves user identity in the
> access and such?
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