[OpenAFS] is it possible to have two network cards?

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
Thu, 15 Jan 2004 12:01:22 -0500

Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz@cmu.edu> writes:

> You _can_ give clients configuration which lists only some of the
> dbservers.  However, if you do that, and one of the servers that's not
> listed becomes sync site, then that client will not be able to do any
> updates.  To users the most noticeable affect will be that they can't
> create or delete PTS groups or change PTS group memberships

I thought that if you had >5 db servers the server you try will tell
you the sync site IP Address instead of just telling you to go away
and assuming you can find it.  Is my memory faulty?


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available