Re[2]: [OpenAFS] Creating RPM's

Ron Croonenberg
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 14:57:50 CT

In general,  true,  but...

I want to install it on some 20 (or more) pc's. I boot the machines using pxe
and re-format/partition the harddrive.

So once I have the rpm's build, it's easy to rebuild a machine



>In general, I would advise against creating a new RPM if the only thing
>changed is the config files. RPM will not overwrite config files during an
>upgrade if they have been modified, so you should only have to copy your
>config files once and then future openafs upgrades will keep the same
>I'm not aware of a tool for editing binary RPMs to change the file
>contents, although such a thing would be possible (and perhaps useful).
>-Chris Wing
>On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Ron Croonenberg wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am in the process of automating the install OpenAFS, the only thing I
>> is just the config files.
>> I was wondering if it is possible to create an rpm from an installed rpm and
>> where the modified config files are "packaged" in.
>> thanks,
>> Ron

 Ron Croonenberg               | Phone: 1 765 658 4761
 Technology Coordinator        | Fax:   1 765 658 4732
 Department of ComputerScience | e-mail :
 DePauw University             |
 Julian Science & Math Center  |
 602 South College Ave.        |
 Greencastle, IN  46135        |