[OpenAFS] High Speed AFS Access
Jimmy Engelbrecht
21 Jan 2004 12:55:20 +0100
Aaron Stanley <astanley@strozllc.com> writes:
> So I've been kicking around an idea for a very large storage array to use
> for on-line access to hard drive images. I already have a stable,
> multi-city AFS cluster and would really like to integrate this disk server
> into the AFS cluster for security and simplicity reasons.
> What I'm wondering, as I've seen the disk speed statistics from
> http://www.e.kth.se/~jimmy/afsfsperf/afsfsperf.html and I'm wondering if
> anybody here has been able to benchmark their fileservers above the
> seemingly 22MB/sec boundary.
I now updated the page with numbers from our fastest fileserver. The
numbers i get is basicly the IO-performance of the slow IDE-Raid we use
(25-35 MB/S).
When have more time i will test to put /vicepa in MFS to simulate a very
very fast disk.