[OpenAFS] Problems setting up first server

Kelly Brown kbbrown@cs.ucsd.edu
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 14:52:29 -0700


I've gotten openafs-1.2.11 compiled on RHEL AS and I'm trying to setup 
my first server.

I'm seeing errors when trying to start up some of the db server processes.

I tried google to see if there where any answers out there.  
Unfortunately, I got that ugly condition where others had the exact same 
question as you but nobody responded.  I'm hoping I have better luck.  
Any ideas?

# bos create myhostname.somewhere.com kaserver simple 
/usr/afs/bin/kaserver -cell mycellname -noauth
# free(): invalid pointer 0xb72a1010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb7270010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb723f010!
#/usr/afs/bin/bos create myhostname.somewhere.com buserver simple 
/usr/afs/bin/buserver -cell mycellname -noauth

# bos create myhostname.somewhere.com ptserver simple 
/usr/afs/bin/ptserver -cell mycellname -noauth
# free(): invalid pointer 0xb720e010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb71dd010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb71ac010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb717b010!

# bos create myhostname.somewhere.com vlserver simple 
/usr/afs/bin/vlserver -cell mycellname -noauth
# free(): invalid pointer 0xb714a010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb7119010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb70e8010!
free(): invalid pointer 0xb70b7010!

If I look for afs processes it seems that the buserver is the only one 
that's running but if I try to start on the the others again I get...
# /usr/afs/bin/bos create myhostname.somewhere.com kaserver simple 
/usr/afs/bin/kaserver -cell cse.ucsd.edu -noauth
bos: failed to create new server instance kaserver of type 'simple' 
(entity already exists)