[OpenAFS] script in bosserver-config...
Jeffrey Hutzelman
Wed, 06 Oct 2004 19:46:40 -0400
On Wednesday, October 06, 2004 13:25:42 +0200 Lars Schimmer
<schimmer@cg.cs.tu-bs.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi!
> I've got a small problem:
> I want to install a little script in the bosserver with:
> bos create -server leda -instance replicateuserdata -type cron -cmd
> "/usr/sbin/release_volumes" 05:0
> And the script itself looks like:
> /usr/sbin/vos release e3454lj9 -localauth
> /usr/sbin/vos release CVS -localauth
> /usr/sbin/vos release subversion -localauth
> But in the boslog I get only :
> Wed Oct 6 05:00:01 2004: replicateuserdata exited with code 255
> Wed Oct 6 05:00:01 2004: cron job replicateuserdata exited with
> non-zero code 255
> Am I on the wrong way? Can't I run the script this way?
This sounds like your script is not executable or is missing the #! line
that tells the kernel what shell to use.