[OpenAFS] [grand.central.org #19412] OpenAFS-1.3.85 on Solars 10 Problem with pwd after rename of a directory

chas williams - CONTRACTOR chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
Wed, 03 Aug 2005 09:35:16 -0400

In message <42EFB56C.4020902@anl.gov>,"Douglas E. Engert" writes:
>Solaris 9 and 10 show the same thing. But only on Solaris 10 is there
>a problem with renaming of subdirectories of this directory.

i took a quick look at this using dtrace.  see the vfs dtrace script at

anyway, it looks like getcwd is walking up the tree to the root inode,
and then stops when it hits the bad mountpoint:

fop_getattr     -                                   /afs/cmf/users/chas/sounds  -        0        0
fop_getattr     -                                        /afs/cmf/users/chas/x  -        0        0
fop_getattr     -                                   /afs/cmf/users/chas/sounds  -        0        0
fop_inactive    -                                   /afs/cmf/users/chas/sounds  -        0        0
fop_lookup      -                                     /afs/cmf/users/chas/t.pl  -        0        0
fop_getattr     -                                        /afs/cmf/users/chas/x  -        0        0
fop_getattr     -                                     /afs/cmf/users/chas/t.pl  -        0        0
fop_getattr     -                                        /afs/cmf/users/chas/x  -        0        0
fop_getattr     -                                     /afs/cmf/users/chas/t.pl  -        0        0
fop_inactive    -                                     /afs/cmf/users/chas/t.pl  -        0        0
fop_lookup      -                                 /afs/cmf/users/chas/badmount  -        0        0
fop_inactive    -                                          /afs/cmf/users/chas  -        0        0