[OpenAFS] Building Kernel Modules for RHEL4
Mike Bydalek
Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:17:30 -0700
We have a few RHEL4 boxes that I want to start installing OpenAFS on,
but I'm having some issues with loading the kernel module. This may be
due to my lack of experience on RedHat, but you never know.
Anyways, the problem is that openafs.org provides a
openafs-kernel-1.4.0-2.6.9_22.EL_1.i686.rpm, but it RedHat has since
updated the kernel to 2.6.9-22.0.1.EL.
I tried to build custom packages using the openafs.spec file provided
hoping that it would build a proper openafs-kernel...rpm package, but it
just built the openafs-kernel-source-1.4.0-1.1.i386.rpm, which uses the
afsmodload, which doesn't come with the rpms according to Derrick (read
it in an archive from October).
So my question is, what are the proper steps to build an RPM for the
current kernel on RHEL4? In the spec file, I keep seeing references to
building the modules for the running kernel by default, but I don't see
that happening.
Any help is greatly appreciated.