[OpenAFS] rhel3 src rpm

John W. Sopko Jr. sopko@cs.unc.edu
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 13:36:29 -0500

I reported this at the end of January, see below.
I just tried again from the web site with the same problem,
checksum looks ok:

49% ls -l openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
-rwxrwxrwx    1 sopko    compsci  13938558 Feb 16 13:28 

50% md5sum openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
e23434bb569ef337e3711c02a5d9460f  openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm

51% rpm -qlp openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
error: openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm: MD5 digest: BAD 
Expected(f5768bc2f6642328589d6a8502d3bc62) != (387dd62c84fb30489f5d8af931b59c6f)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm corrupt?
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:03:41 -0500
From: John W. Sopko Jr. <sopko@cs.unc.edu>
To: openafs-bugs@openafs.org

It appears the following rpm is corrupt:


I downloaded both from the web and anonymous ftp and I get the following
error if I try to install or list the contents:

# rpm -qlp openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
error: openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm: MD5 digest: BAD
Expected(f5768bc2f6642328589d6a8502d3bc62) != (387dd62c84fb30489f5d8af931b59c6f)

I checked the md5 sum of the file itself against the
openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm.md5 contents and it appears ok:

# md5sum openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
e23434bb569ef337e3711c02a5d9460f  openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
# cat openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm.md5
e23434bb569ef337e3711c02a5d9460f  openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm

I downloaded the following src.rpm to make sure I was not
doing something wrong and it seems fine:

# rpm -qlp openafs-1.2.13-rh9.0.1.src.rpm

John W. Sopko Jr.               University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844             Sitterson Hall; Room 044
Fax:   919-962-1799             Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175

Derek Atkins wrote:
 > The md5sum of the SRPM is:
 > a3ce727f617fc4038fbbac92c209d0c6  openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
 > Is this what you have?
 > -derek
 > Grant Williamson <traxtopel@fastmail.fm> writes:
 >>the file

 >>is corrupt.
 >>I have tried downloading this, on 2 machines but the rpm is corrupt.
 >>rpm -pql openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
 >>error: openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm: MD5 digest: BAD
 >>Expected(f5768bc2f6642328589d6a8502d3bc62) !=
 >>Who do I need to report this to?

Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

> On Friday, February 11, 2005 09:59:00 AM -0500 Derek Atkins 
> <warlord@MIT.EDU> wrote:
>> The md5sum of the SRPM is:
>> a3ce727f617fc4038fbbac92c209d0c6  openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
>> Is this what you have?
> Derek, I'm afraid that is not the SRPM we are distributing.  The file in 
> the master distribution area (in AFS) has the checksum Grant reported, 
> which matches the contents of the .md5 file:
> e23434bb569ef337e3711c02a5d9460f  openafs-1.2.13-rhel3.0.1.src.rpm
> We have had cases in the past of the web server distributing corrupt 
> files, but that is not what is going on here -- the file being 
> distributed matches what is in AFS and the .md5 file.  If you (Derek) 
> have a different SRPM we should be distributing instead, please contact 
> me offline about getting the release area updated.
> -- Jeff
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John W. Sopko Jr.               University of North Carolina
email: sopko AT cs.unc.edu      Computer Science Dept., CB 3175
Phone: 919-962-1844             Sitterson Hall; Room 044
Fax:   919-962-1799             Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175