[Fwd: Re: [OpenAFS] Bos server troubles with Suse 9.0]

Steve Devine sdevine@msu.edu
Sat, 1 Jan 2005 17:22:22 -0500 (EST)

Sorry this should have went to the list.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: [OpenAFS] Bos server troubles with Suse 9.0
From:    "Derrick J Brashear" <shadow@dementia.org>
Date:    Sat, January 1, 2005 11:48 am
To:      "Steve Devine" <sdevine@msu.edu>

On Sat, 1 Jan 2005, Steve Devine wrote:

>> why can't you gracefully shut them down? bosserver only signals
fileserverm you can do the same.
> Please tell me a little more about this .. being able to avoid the
salvage routine would be helpful.

you should reply to the list, not me.
and kill -QUIT the fileserverm and it will shut down, just as if bosserver
 had told it to. make sure the forcesalvage files are not left in the 
/vicepN partitions if you do shut down cleanly.

Steve Devine
Storage Systems
Academic Computing & Network Services
Michigan State University

301 Computer Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1042

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- Yogi Berra