[OpenAFS] windows client problems...

Chris Crowther chris@jm-crowther.co.uk
Fri, 28 Jan 2005 09:18:51 +0000

Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> Adapter on the machine.  When the MLA is installed with a static IP 
> address the AFS Client Service will bind only to the loopback and not 
> be affected by changes to state of other network adapters installed on 
> the system.

    Nothing to do with AFS here (well, indirectly perhaps since it can 
play havok with Kerberos), but has anyone else noticed that XP's 
internal NTP client gets screwed up if you install the MLA?  Damn thing 
seems to send packets to the NTP server with the IP of the MLA as the 
source address.

Chris Crowther