[OpenAFS] Failing to "cd /afs" after fresh install
Kristian Du
Mon, 07 Mar 2005 14:58:43 +0100
Il giorno dom, 06-03-2005 alle 17:39 +0100, Kristian ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I've just finished setting up a new AFS server from source, but for some
> strange reason I cannot seem to be able to gain admin privileges.
> I have created user admin correctly and even after a successful "klog
> admin" I do receive a (apparently) good token. Here's a runtime spool of
> my attempts:
> ============================================
> myhost:~# klog admin
> Password:
> myhost:~# tokens
> Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
> User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for afs@afs.mycell.it [Expires Mar 7 19:51]
> --End of list--
> myhost:~# cd /afs/
> -bash: cd: /afs/: Permission denied
> myhost:~# fs setacl /afs system:administrators rlidwka
> fs: You don't have the required access rights on '/afs'
> myhost:~# fs setacl /afs system:anyuser rl
> fs: You don't have the required access rights on '/afs'
> myhost:~#
> ============================================
> Furthermore, a "df" command correctly returns the 9GB bogus AFS
> filespace mounted under /afs.
> This is actually my second installation of an AFS server after a
> successful one. Not sure if I did anything differently, but it must
> be! :) What's going on? Any ideas?
Someone might find this helpful one day ;)
Basically, at install time I ran the following configuration command to
setup the server crypt key, which I suppose it is used as common key for
inter-server communication (tell me if I'm wrong) AND for authenticating
users using the cache manager to access a server:
bos addkey $myserver -kvno 0 -cell $mycell_name -noauth
to this command I responded with the password I assigned to user
"admin", and THIS was the mistake. After spending sometime retrying the
installation steps I typed in the afs user password and there it was!
bye now.
Kristian Du