[OpenAFS] another set of eyes (or three)

Lee Damon nomad@stefen.ee.washington.edu
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:41:12 -0800

> >  -> Do I need to deinstall it as a DB host before reimaging?
> How many dbservers do you have? 

Three, including this one.

> If there are at least three, you can take 
> one down without loss of quorum.  Unless the machine will be out of service 
> for such a long time that you will reconfigure clients, there is no real 
> point in removing it from the server-side CellServDB.

The machine will be down for several hours while the root drive is reimaged
but I don't plan to remove it from CellServDB.  Just stop the daemons.

> It's possible I missed this part, but you'll want to somehow make sure the 
> AFS KeyFile is installed on the reimaged machine.

It's in the saved.tar that is created early in the process.
> Provided you have installed the KeyFile and UserList before starting 
> anything up, there is no reason you should need to run anything in noauth 
> mode

cool.  I've updated the document to show this.

 -----------                       - Lee "nomad" Damon -          \
work: nomad@ee.washington.edu                                      \
play: nomad@castle.org    or castle!nomad                           \
Sr. Systems Admin, UWEE SSLI Lab                                   /  \
                "Celebrate Diversity"                             /    \