[OpenAFS] error on installing windows exe (8800)

Jordi Haarman j.haarman@synantics.com
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 14:54:56 +0100

I am probably doing something very wrong but I keep getting the following 
error when the installation tries to restart the db:

14:39:01 03/22/05:  Error 0x9a01 has occurred: no such entity.

which appears in the output of the install log somewhere:

14:38:59 03/22/05:  Updating the client's CellServDB.

14:38:59 03/22/05:  Update of the CellServDB file on host willywortel.angelite 

14:38:59 03/22/05:  Update of the CellServDB file on host angeliteExampleSite 

14:38:59 03/22/05:  Update of the CellServDB file on host willywortel 

14:38:59 03/22/05:  Starting the following servers: Protection   Volume 
Location   Backup   Authentication

14:38:59 03/22/05:  Restarting all DB servers.

14:39:01 03/22/05:  Error 0x9a01 has occurred: no such entity.

14:39:05 03/22/05:  Closing the connection to this server.

14:39:05 03/22/05:  Configuration has failed.

14:40:01 03/22/05:  User has chosen to cancel the program.

14:40:01 03/22/05:  Closing log file.

somebody has a clue?

