[OpenAFS] Problems with 1.3.80 on Windows - crash
Lars Delhage
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 22:37:34 +0100
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On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 15:29 -0500, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Lars Delhage wrote:
> > Well... it works, but with integrated login I still get an error
> > message: "Integrated login failed: Unknown code =E87294". It does work
> > despite this message, I get a token and everything is fine, but it's a
> > bit annoying. Any suggestions?
> Can you turn on logging for the integrated login and provide information
> on what is failing on your system?
> Regkey:
> [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]
> Value : TraceOption
> Type : DWORD {0, 1, 2, 3}
> Default : 0
> Enables logging of debug output to the Windows Event Log.
> Bit 0 enables logging of "Logon Events" processed by the Network Provi=
> and Winlogon Event Notification Handler.
> Bit 1 enables logging of events captured by the AFS Client Service.
OK, here it is, in reverse chronological order. The first (actually
last) entry is from TransarcAFSDaemon, the rest from AFS Logon:
ID Log message
0 -A -M -N -Q
0 Exit
1008 Integrated login failed: Unknown code =E87295
0 while loop exited
0 KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=3D[lasse@INT.NOHUP.SE] smbname=3D[admin\las=
se] cell=3D[] code=3D[-1]
0 KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=3D[lasse@INT.NOHUP.SE] smbname=3D[admin\las=
se] cell=3D[MZ] code=3D[-1]
0 KFW_AFS_get_cred uname=3D[lasse] smbname=3D[admin\lasse] cell=3D[i=
nt.nohup.se] code=3D[0]
0 while(TRUE) LogonOption[1], Service AutoStart[1]
0 Cell is int.nohup.se
0 About to call cm_GetRootCellName(<non-integrated logon>)
0 LogonOption[1], Service AutoStart[1]
0 Got logon script: (null)
0 Looking up TheseCells
0 Looking up logon script
0 PLSD username[lasse] domain[ADMIN]
0 opt->sleepInterval being set to default
0 opt->retryInterval being set to default
0 dwDummy being set to default
0 opt->LogonOption found in hkNp with type [4]
0 Not opening domain key for [LOCALHOST]
0 GetDomainLogonOptions: Can't open Domains key [2]
0 In GetDomainLogonOptions for user [lasse] in domain [ADMIN]
Despite the 1008 message the integrated logon actually works, that's the
strange thing...
Lars Delhage, Nohup AB
tel: +46-8-458 78 15, mob: +46-70-781 60 69
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