[OpenAFS] OpenAFS/Krb5/s390x/Linux 2.6

ted creedon tcreedon@easystreet.com
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 11:08:20 -0800

1. SuSe does not support or care about AFS.
2. It runs without fail at installations much larger than yours.
3. It's the only system I can find that allows transparent data interchange
between all (known) operating systems.
4. You can access data securely from any location world wide.

Off and On success compiling/installing the sources with SuSe 9.2
professional kernel which should be similar to the S390X. There seems to be
a kernel header problem. Getting different results on 3 supposedly similar
i86 systems. It takes some time to get AFS figured out but it runs
unattended for years.

Do one last kernel update from SUSE and reboot. Turn YOU update off or to
manual select.

Rebuild the kernel - at least a make dep - needed for the kernel headers.

./src/libafs/MakefileProto?.LINUX.in :
	env EXTRA_CFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS}" $(srcdir)/make_kbuild_makefile.pl
${KDIR} $@ @TOP_OBJDIR@/src/config/Makefile?.config Makefile.afs

@TOP_SRCDIR@/libafs/make_kbuild_makefile.pl ${KDIR} $@
@TOP_OBJDIR@/src/config/Makefile?.config Makefile.afs Makefile.common
./configure --enable-largefile-fileserver --enable-namei-fileserver
--enable-supergroups --enable-fast-restart --enable-transarc-paths
--with-linux-kernel-headers=/usr/src/linux --disable-kernel-module

Then run again without --disable-kernel-module (module is needed for
afs-client). Twiddle with switches to suit.

Currently using Kernel 2.6.8-24.13-default  and Kernel 2.6.8-24.13-smp

The client installs and runs on the smp box talking to 2 ea 1.2.11 AFS
servers (been running for 2 years)

The server installs on the smp system. There is a klog permission problem
and a glibc runtime carp.

1.3.80 Client runs fine on Win 2003 although there is a small problem
getting to openafs.org. Probably the firewall again.

Read the HTML files from the distribution, several hundred pages. I have it
converted to Latex but need to complete getting the hyperlinks and index
finished. I can send you my personal single SuSE/transarc architecture
version if desired.

Read a used copy of Managing AFS by Campbell, ISBN 0 13 802729 3. If you use
transarc paths in lieu of SUSE paths the book is right on (ditto HTML docs).

I've disconnected samba and NFS (including Win2K Unix NFS support from
Msoft). There are 12 machines on line. AFS simplifies adminstration

Set up a wiki with handy commands from the docs. Normally
compile/rebuild/test 4 or 5 times. Takes 10 min round trip.

See the mailing list for other universities. Stanford has a petabyte on
line. (Incredible amount of daily data from SLAC).


-----Original Message-----
From: openafs-info-admin@openafs.org [mailto:openafs-info-admin@openafs.org]
On Behalf Of Matthew J. Smith
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 9:18 AM
To: openafs-info@openafs.org
Subject: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS/Krb5/s390x/Linux 2.6

  We are evaluating file service solutions for our population of ~8000
users, and are looking to pilot OpenAFS.  We have an  MIT Kerberos V Realm,
and are running Linux 2.6 (SLES 9) on an z890 (s390x).  We have
*no* prior experience with AFS, but are interested because it seems
(according to online docs) to scale better than other solutions.  We are
also evaluating Samba, but are not sure it will scale to our initial 8000
users, much less the future when we *may* add ~25,000 students.
  I have tried to install SuSE's 1.2.11 s390x RPM -- but bosserver
immediately segfaults.
  After pouring through the mailing lists and google, I have grabbed 1.3.80
sources, and successfully compiled them.  I am able to start up the services
(buserver, fileserver, vlserver, ptserver), but cannot get the kernel module
to compile.  Therefore, I cannot seem to do things mentioned in the AFS
docs, such as "fs checkvolumes"
  So, I have a few questions.  If this has been discussed on this list
previously, please simply point me to the relevant location or

1)  Is there a doc that describes setting up OpenAFS 1.3, using an existing
Kerberos 5 realm, with no Kerb4 tickets, and no kaserver?  On Windows, I
will be using KFW (2.6.5) and OpenAFS (1.3.80).  Is it possible?
2)  Is it possible to run an OpenAFS server on s390x?  Is anyone doing it?
3)  Are there any updated 1.3 docs, or are the IBM docs on OpenAFS.org still
completely applicable?  Is there a one-page "printable" version?
4)  Is anyone running 1.3 (labeled as "unstable") in production?
5)  Is there any integration with a directory service (LDAP?) for group
6)  Do I need the kernel module to run on my server, or can I perform all
administration functions remotely?

Any information you can offer is much appreciated.  Thank you in advance,

Matthew J. Smith
University of Connecticut ITS
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