[OpenAFS] CVS problems with 1.3.82

Wes Chow wchow@athenacr.com
Thu, 05 May 2005 17:35:01 -0400

What is the general experience with running CVS with a CVSROOT on 
OpenAFS?  Is it stable?

I have a 1.2.13 server running with two 1.2.13 clients and one 1.2.82 
client.  fs0 and helsmley = 1.2.13 clients, milhouse = 1.3.82 client.

My problem is that the 1.3.82 machine doesn't seem to pick up changes to 
the cvs repository.

wchow@fs0:~/temp $ export CVSROOT=/afs/acr/users/wchow/temp/cvsroot
wchow@fs0:~/temp $ cvs -d /afs/acr/users/wchow/temp/cvsroot init
wchow@fs0:~/temp $ mkdir test
wchow@fs0:~/temp $ cd test
wchow@fs0:~/temp/test $ echo "this is a test" > test.txt
wchow@fs0:~/temp/test $ cvs import -m "test dir" test v0 r0
N test/test.txt

No conflicts created by this import

checkout on a 1.3.82 machine:

wchow@milhouse:~/temp $ cvs checkout -d test-1.3.82 test
cvs checkout: Updating test-1.3.82
U test-1.3.82/test.txt
wchow@milhouse:~/temp $ cd test-1.3.82/

checkout on a 1.2.13 machine:

wchow@helmsley:~/temp $ cvs checkout -d test-1.2.13 test
cvs checkout: Updating test-1.2.13
U test-1.2.13/test.txt
wchow@helmsley:~/temp $ cd test-1.2.13

now, edit and commit on original machine:

wchow@fs0:~/temp/test $ echo "a new line" >> test.txt
wchow@fs0:~/temp/test $ cvs -nq update
M test.txt
wchow@fs0:~/temp/test $ cvs commit -m "added a new line"
cvs commit: Examining .
/afs/acr/users/wchow/temp/cvsroot/test/test.txt,v  <--  test.txt
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
wchow@fs0:~/temp/test $

update on 1.3.82:

wchow@milhouse:~/temp/test-1.3.82 $ cvs -nq update
wchow@milhouse:~/temp/test-1.3.82 $ fs flush
wchow@milhouse:~/temp/test-1.3.82 $ cvs -nq update
wchow@milhouse:~/temp/test-1.3.82 $ fs flushv
wchow@milhouse:~/temp/test-1.3.82 $ cvs -nq update
U test.txt

update on 1.2.13:

wchow@helmsley:~/temp/test-1.2.13 $ cvs -nq update
U test.txt
wchow@helmsley:~/temp/test-1.2.13 $

I forgot to save the log, but what also happens is that before the "fs 
flushv" on 1.3.82, an "ls -l 
/afs/acr/users/wchow/temp/cvsroot/test/test.txt,v" shows a file size 
that correponds to the pre-commit value.  If I "fs flush" that file, 
then "cvs update" behaves properly.

I don't know if this happens with any other 1.3.x versions.  Any thoughts?



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