[OpenAFS] Java API for AFS administration (JAFS)

Shaji Kalidasan shajiindia@yahoo.com
Tue, 22 Nov 2005 09:01:48 -0800 (PST)

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I am in the process of developing a J2EE web based AFS ID password reset tool for my organization, currently we have it working with PHP & Perl.
I am looking for any implementation of Java API for AFS, I searched the internet but I could not find one. 
Any pointers to the resource would be highly appreciated. Any sample source code would be of tremendous help.
Thank you,
Shaji Kalidasan

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<DIV id=RTEContent>Hi,<BR>&nbsp;<BR>I am in the process of developing a J2EE web based AFS ID password reset tool for my organization, currently we have it working with PHP &amp; Perl.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>I am looking for any implementation of Java API for AFS, I searched the internet but I could not find one. <BR>&nbsp;<BR>Any pointers to the resource would be highly appreciated. Any sample source code would be of tremendous help.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Thank you,<BR>Shaji Kalidasan</DIV><p>
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