[OpenAFS] Openafs 1.4.0-rc7 Success on Redhat Enterprise 4 EM64T

Lee Damon nomad@ee.washington.edu
Mon, 24 Oct 2005 14:41:02 -0700

I haven't been following this thread at all but if you want I can try to 
build these RPMs on the x86_64 box I'm playing with.  I don't have a lot 
of time to translate instructions in an entire mail thread but if you 
have a cookbook you want tested I'm available.


Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting "Karl E. Kelley" <kekelley@iastate.edu>:
>> I didn't want to try 1.4.0-rc5 on a system already running 1.4.0-rc7,
> Well, you could try the 1.4.0 RPMs, as they've been finished.  However
> the real point was to make sure that you could rebuild my RPMS on
> x86_64 and that they would work.
> Also, the 1.4.0 RPMS are done.  There's time to get changes into the
> 1.4.1 RPMs....
>>  - The openafs-client rc script doesn't provide the cache and afsd
>>    configuration that the rc script that has been supplied with openafs
>>    previously, and only provides 2 configuration parameters, AFSD_ARGS 
>> and
>>    BOSSERVER_ARGS in /etc/sysconfig/openafs, not all the various 
>> parameter
>>    settings for routines in /etc/init.d/afs, which I found very 
>> convenient
>>    for providing a simple way to configure afsd.   I hope these are put
>>    back in before 1.4.x goes GA.  If they don't, I will have to put them
>>    back in myself and rebuild the rpms.
> I dont understand what configuration you think you need that you
> can't set in the AFSD_ARGS and BOSSERVER_ARGS.  Could you please
> let me know?
>>  - The README in the openafs-kernel-source is quite out of date as far
>>    as telling how to install a rebuilt openafs kernel module, which is
>>    obviouly different now the the openafs kernel modules are actually
>>    being installed in /lib/modules, instead of in /usr/vice/etc/modload.
> Can you send me a patch for this, or at least suggest better text?
> There's also the "rpmbuild -bb --target=i686 openafs...src.rpm" to
> build a kernel-module RPM for the currently-running kernel.
>>  - to reiterate, the multiple openafs-kernel modules will cause a problem
>>    with up2date, and I realize why that was done, but the only way I can
>>    see is to put only the lowest kernel versions on the proxy server
>>    and force everyone to recompile their own openafs kernel module for 
>> newer
>>    kernels, which isn't as good as it works now.
> Why will this cause a problem with up2date?  Wont up2date already try
> to install the most-recent kernel?  As I asked in my last email, how
> does up2date deal with the redhat-distributed LKM RPMS?  Red hat must
> have already solved this problem....
>> Other than the above, openafs 1.4.0-rc5 seems to be working on:
>> kekelley@motley.ait% uname -a
>> Linux motley.ait.iastate.edu 2.6.9-22.EL #1 Mon Sep 19 18:20:28 EDT 
>> 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> I was hoping to get an answer about x86_64, not x86.  But thanks.
> -derek