[OpenAFS] Are there any known performance issues with large numbers of volumes per partition?

Renata Maria Dart renata@slac.stanford.edu
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 16:50:58 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the feedback Jeff...just what I wanted to hear.


On Thu, 10 Aug 2006, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

>On Thursday, August 10, 2006 04:05:43 PM -0700 Renata Maria Dart
><renata@slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
>> Hi, we are changing the configuration of the vice partitions on each
>> of our AFS fileservers from 8 60gb partitions to 2 240gb partitions
>> (as part of our transition to 1.4.1).  Do I need to be concerned about
>> any performance impact from increasing the number of volumes per
>> partition?  Certainly listvol takes longer the more volumes you have,
>> but are there any other issues to worry about because of this
>> increase?  Most of our 60gb partitions have 100-200 volumes and
>> OpenAFS seems to have handled the switch to 400-800 volumes per 240gb
>> partition with no problems.  But we have a few 60gb partitions that
>> contain ~4000 small "morgued" volumes which get very little use.
>> These morgued volumes will now be mixed with production volumes on a
>> 240gb partition.  Or should I make an effort to continue to keep them
>> separate?
>Our main "user" servers (non-replicated data) currently each have eight
>200GB partitions.  Some of these have very few volumes; others have
>thousands.  Currently the partition with the most volumes has about 3500.
>We've never particularly worried about the number of volumes on a
>partition, and we haven't had any performance issues.
>-- Jeff