[OpenAFS] bakup to disk

Chris Huebsch chris.huebsch@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 07:19:03 +0100 (CET)


On Wed, 11 Jan 2006, Andrew Bacchi wrote:

> I don't see anything in the Admin Guide that addresses using 'backup' to dump 
> to disk rather than tape.

Oh there is some information on that topic in the Admin Guide. But it
is well hidden.


> Is there a sample configuration for this, or do I substitute the
> device name of the partition for the device name of the tape
> coordinator?

This is, how it works for me.

[root@afs1 backup]# pwd
[root@afs1 backup]# ls
CFG_backupfile  tapeconfig  TE_backupfile  TL_backupfile
[root@afs1 backup]# cat CFG_backupfile
MOUNT /usr/afs/bin/filemount.sh
[root@afs1 backup]# cat tapeconfig
50G 0 /dev/backupfile 1
[root@afs1 backup]# cat ../bin/filemount.sh
#! /bin/csh -f
set devicefile = $1
set operation = $2
set tries = $3
set tapename = $4
set tapeid = $5
set exit_continue = 0
set exit_abort = 1
set exit_interactive = 2
if (${tries} > 1) then
    echo "Too many tries"
    exit ${exit_interactive}

if (${operation} == "labeltape") then
    echo "Won't label a tape/file"
    exit ${exit_abort}
if ((${operation} == "dump")   |\
     (${operation} == "appenddump")   |\
     (${operation} == "restore")   |\
     (${operation} == "savedb")    |\
     (${operation} == "restoredb")) then
   /bin/rm -f ${devicefile}
   /bin/ln -s /vicepa/AFSBackup/${tapename}_${tapeid} ${devicefile}
   if (${status} != 0) exit

exit ${exit_continue}

I have two additional scripts. One expiring dump-infos from the backup-db
and the other to delete outdated dump-files.

Send me a mail, if you want to see them.

> Do I also assign a port for this disk?

Yes, you do.

Chris Huebsch    www.huebsch-gemacht.de | TU Chemnitz, Informatik, RNVS
GPG-Encrypted mail welcome! ID:7F2B4DBA |   Str. d. Nationen 62, B204
  Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2006, 4.-5.Maerz |       D-09107 Chemnitz
     http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/    |  +49 371 531-1377, Fax -1803