[OpenAFS] using openafs client to server web pages
David Bear
Thu, 13 Jul 2006 19:01:33 -0700
I am using openafs as the file store for my static web pages.
I am using ip address based acl's to control read access to afs space.
If I have an ip based virtual host and web clients connecting to one
of these requests a page, will the openafs client present 'that' ip
address to afs when getting the page? In other words, if my virtual
hosts are
and a web client connects to the virtual host 10.8, will openafs
attempt to connect to the afs server as 10.8 -- or will it use the
primary address of the server -- ie 10.5?
If the openafs client on the webserver will expect to connect to the
afs fileserver with the particular virtual host ip, then can I force
openafs to only bind to a single ip address? If so, how do I do that.
David Bear
phone: 602-496-0424
fax: 602-496-0955
College of Public Programs/ASU
University Center Rm 622
411 N Central
Phoenix, AZ 85007-0685
"Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"