[OpenAFS] Backup DB issues, OpenAFS 1.4.1, Solaris 8,9

Kevin Hildebrand kevin@umd.edu
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 07:26:31 -0400 (EDT)

Ah, found the problem.  It appears that OpenAFS 1.4.1 does not properly 
handle the -servers argument to buserver.  Our configuration was 
specifying all three servers as part of the bos configuration, i.e.,
buserver -servers server1 server2 server3.  If you specify things this way 
with 1.4.1, it not only ignores the specification, but it causes the 
server to run as a standalone.  The 'corruption' we were seeing was 
because each of our servers was considering itself the only master.

Removing the '-servers' argument seems to have solved the problem.

I will open a bug report about the apparently mis-handled argument.



On Tue, 17 Oct 2006, Kevin Hildebrand wrote:

> Hello, we just recently upgraded our DB servers to version 1.4.1 from version 
> 1.2.13.  Since doing so, our backup database has been getting corrupted on a 
> nightly basis.
> We have two different cells, each consisting of three DB servers - one cell 
> runs Solaris 8, and the other runs Solaris 9.  Both cells are having this 
> problem.
> The backup databases have the same size, but the timestamps and
> contents are different (md5sum checksums don't match).  In addition, volsets 
> or dumps that appear in one won't necessarily appear in the others.
> Server 1:
> # ls -l bdb.DB0
> -rw-------   1 root     other    106269760 Oct 17 02:29 bdb.DB0
> # md5sum bdb.DB0
> 8a48ca999018be7d007b7bf008b18fdc  bdb.DB0
> Server 2:
> # ls -l bdb.DB0
> -rw-------   1 root     root     106269760 Oct 17 02:05 bdb.DB0
> # md5sum bdb.DB0
> c96933ff60e05a4b9fcd54640e46c45a  bdb.DB0
> Server 3:
> # ls -l bdb.DB0
> -rw-------   1 root     other    106269760 Oct 17 02:19 bdb.DB0
> # md5sum bdb.DB0
> d7f05e36db9de5ed59d8ceade83cb4f4  bdb.DB0
> Any help anyone can provide would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Kevin Hildebrand
> University of Maryland, College Park
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