[OpenAFS] CopyOnWrite failed: Partition ... may be out of free inodes(errno = 2)

Stefaan stefaan.deroeck@gmail.com
Tue, 19 Sep 2006 21:35:35 +0200

On 9/19/06, Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz@cmu.edu> wrote:
> Don't do this.  It doesn't work on namei systems, doesn't gain you
> anything, and is a waste of disk space.  RW and RO sites on the same server
> should always be on the same partition.

Doesn't gain me anything?  I was thinking, if the disk behind vicepa
crashes, the one behind vicepb may still be alive, or am I missing
something here?

Alf Wachsmann <alfw@slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Oh, and also: How does it not work? What happens if you do it or try it?
^^^ interesting question, could you explain further?

Also, do you think it is the cause of my problems?
